There are many websites online to give away free stuff like iPhones IPAD, and even laptops and digital cameras and other gadgets. But do you really trust these ads or just a scam?
In order to answer this question we really need to dig into this issue. First, large companies are giving things away for free long before the Internet appeared.
The reason behind this policy is very simple. Marketing departments are the companies estimate that the people who give free stuff to go and support the front of their friends, who eventually would be interested in certain products themselves. And since the giveaway, usually not very long, will have no choice than to buy them.
The same principle applies today, and people learned how to take advantage of the hottest gadgets on the market for free. Usually people get things for free are invited to fill in questionnaires on the product, send comments to the manufacturer, or to think how cold product should be improved.
The latest device out there - the new iPhone is no exception. You can use it for free in exchange for completing various tasks, as mentioned earlier. And come to think about what you got to lose? You could end up with one of the hottest gadgets out there for free.